
I hope you enjoy my blog, a collection of articles and thoughts regarding my interests. I'm a married father of two that loves to write about gliding, hunting, fishing, camping and any outdoor passion. Oh yah, I'm a quadriplegic. I hope this is informative to some, entertaining to others, and interesting to all. Let me know what you think. If you'd like an article for your publication, I've got words I haven't even used yet!

Thursday 5 April 2012

Barnett Ghost 400 Fired From a Wheelchair

So there I was, sitting (what else, I'm a quad ... remember?) in my computer room with papers piled to the ceiling, up to my seat-cushion in alligators with no drain plug in sight, the weather outside summer like ... yay. I look over to the bench to the left, and there is the lonely-neglected crossbow sitting there, minding its own business, just like it has done for the last three months. The only sign that it has received any attention at all is the missing paint on the floor where a wheelchair has repeatedly pulled up to the bench, paused, and pulled away again.

I say to myself, "Self, you moron, what the heck are you doing inside on a day like this when spring has just arrived? Get your butt outside!"

I check my horoscope, it says something like this, "You moron, what the heck are you doing inside on a day like this when spring has just arrived? Get your butt outside."

About this time I hear the 'bloooodley-doot' of a Facebook message, it reads "You got arrows for that crossbow? ''

 I immediately reply, "Got arrows, you got time?"

"See you at one," comes the reply.

You need to really appreciate it when you're day is saved like that. Dave arrived around one, we loaded the crossbow and accessories into the van and took off to see  how it would shoot.

What a great day! The alligators can wait!

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